Saturday, 16 March 2013

HEALTH TIPS:Effects of depression on your health

Depression can completely jeopardize  your social life, and land you in a state of emotional turmoil. Depression can cause a series of chronic and acute health ailments. Today, we have Dr.Vihang Vahia - Psychiatrist at Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai, sharing a few effects of depression on your health, so that timely recognition would help you to combat the negative features…

Effect of depression #1: Heart disease

Depressions can have a horrible effect on your heart. If the intensity of depression is too severe it can even cause death or fatality due to heart attack. Dr. Vihang explains – when you are depressed, your heart blood muscles become inflamed due to shortage of oxygen, which can further lead to heart attack. Patients with heart problems should be more careful as even a little depression can land you up in the hospital.

Effect of depression #2: Lowering immune power

Dr. Suneasra – GP, Mumbai says – many times depression can weaken the strength of your immune system, and bring you closer to cold and flu. The lowering of immune system takes place as stress hormones are released in the body, and when these hormones stay in your body for a long time, they can repress your immune system. He further adds – nowadays people are suffering with cold and flu more frequently due to living a stressful and depressed life.

Effect of depression #3: Change in appetite

When a person is depressed, at times to let go of the tension they tend to over eat or avoid eating altogether to find comfort. At times, the body may naturally fluctuate an individual’s appetite. This change in appetite is linked to weight gain and weight loss.

Effect of depression #4: Sleepless nights

When a person is depressed, he/she may find it hard to sleep, due to constant thoughts running in their minds. Their sleep pattern gets disturbed, as they get up more frequently in the middle of the night or undergo trouble while going back to sleep again.

Effect of depression #5: Headaches and backaches

Depression may even cause pain and aches. While these may not be direct fall outs of depression, they are linked to other causes such as weight gain, weight loss, physical tension, lack of sleep, low nutrition, lack of re-hydration etc.

Effect of depression #6: Fluctuation in the blood pressure

When you are depressed, your body naturally releases stress hormones like cortisol and epinephrine. These stress hormones can affect the rate of your blood pressure and heart beat. When these hormones are released they fasten your B.P. and heart beat speed, which make your arteries weak and helpless. This leads to the building up of plaque in the arteries, and blocks your blood flow and eventually causes heart attack and stroke.

Effect of depression #7: Fatigue

When you are depressed, you tend to get tired and lose energy more quickly. You won’t be able to accomplish even simple, small daily activities due to no energy. The reason for quick tiredness could be lack of sleep due to aches and pains.

Effect of depression #8: Decreased libido

People who have been depressed for a long time can ruin their sex life. Depression causes a dip in your libido, sexual problems like lack of ejaculation, lack of vaginal lubrication, premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

Effect of depression #9: Socially lost

When people are depressed they tend to isolate themselves and prefer being alone. They prefer being alone, because they don’t want to trouble their loved ones by sharing their problems. This self-impairment from social life increases the intensity of the sadness and pain. When this isolation continues for a long time, the sufferer may find it difficult to mingle with others due to fear.

Effect of depression #10: Irritability

“Talking to people who are down with depression can be a huge task, as their mood changes every second,” says Dr. Vihang. Mostly, people who are depressed are irritated, troubled or agitated even when someone talks to them nicely. Their way of handling situations changes, their quick anger due to depression can make them fight with others.



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