Friday 8 March 2013

How to Insert Google AdSense Advertisements into Your Blog on Blogger

by Christopher Heng,
Following my article on How to Add Google Advertisements (Google AdSense) to Your Blog or Website, I received queries from a few visitors on how they can integrate the AdSense ads into their blogs. This tutorial deals with the procedure for blogs hosted on Blogger.

Assumptions Made in This Article

  1. I will assume here that you already have a blog hosted on Blogger. For those who don't know, Blogger is one of the many free blogging web hosts around.
  2. Another assumption that I will make here is that you already have an AdSense account. If not, read my general article on How to Add Google Advertisements to Your Blog or Website first. You may also want to read the article How to Make Money From Your Website to get a general idea of the different ways of earning money through advertising on your website. Or, if you're already an old-hand at such things, just sign up.

Steps to Enabling AdSense Ads on Your Blogger Blog

  1. Log into your Blogger account.
  2. Click the "Layout" link under your blog name on the Dashboard. If you don't have such a link, go to your Templates page for your blog and click the "AdSense" tab.
  3. If you have clicked the "Layout" link earlier, you will now be given a choice of where to place your advertisments. For example, if you want to put your ad in the side column click the "Add a Page Element" link in that column. If you want it at the bottom of the page, click the similarly named link at the bottom.
    A new window will open, allowing you to choose the type of page element you want to add. Click the checkbox beside "AdSense". You will be brought to yet another page when you do that. Look for the "Sign in" link and click it. Enter your AdSense login and password to log into your AdSense account.
    Note: Those who had to click an "AdSense" tab in the first step will not have the choice of choosing where to place your advertisements. If that's the case for you, just skip to the next step.
  4. Once you have signed in, you will be brought to a screen that allows you to choose the size and colour scheme of your advertisements. A preview window underneath your selection shows you what your advert will look like.
  5. When you're done, click the "Save changes" button.
That's it. When you next check out your blog, you should be able to see your advertisements.
Copyright © 2008 by Christopher Heng. All rights reserved.
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