Tuesday 12 March 2013

Toke Makinwa Is Back With Her Long Time Boo, Maje

Toke had a recent interview with ThisDay and she said this to them;
“Yes, we are back together,” “He’s a great guy. I never get to appreciate him as much as I want to and I look at my life and I look at where I am today and even the bad stuff we went though and the craziness we went though. It helped to shape me into the woman that I am today. We’ve been together for about 11 years”.
Care to know more about her? Then here are 10 things you never knew about her. Click read more to continue.
• “I suffer from short-man syndrome. A lot of people think I’m snobbish, or I’m a rude person. But it’s just us short people we always think people want to take us for granted because of our height. So I’d rather cut you off before that happens.”
• “My favourite food is Amala, Gbegiri and Ewedu. I don’t get to eat that as much as I’d love to but every time I go to like a local restaurant I always order that.”
• “I cry easily. I’m a big softie. I’m a hopeless romantic – I don’t go to weddings because I cry a lot. That’s one thing people don’t know. People invite me for their weddings and I don’t turn up, and they don’t understand why.  I’ve been to a few weddings and I cried my eyes out.”
• “I suffered a great loss at a very young age, and I’m still trying to open up about myself. So let’s just say I’m still not ready to talk about it.”
• “My favourite holiday destination is Spain. I would go to Spain over and over again. I love Marbella. It’s so beautiful there, the people are so nice.”
•  “I’m a TV series junkie. I never have time to watch a lot of TV but right now I’m watching ‘Scandal’, ‘Revenge’, ‘Suits’ and ‘Downtown Abbey’.”
• “I love pets a lot. I don’t have one yet but I’m thinking of getting a dog soon.”
•    “I’m very open to adoption. I find it very weird when people talk about having kids and they say, oh you kids must be your kids and I think it’s such a selfish way to live because there are a thousand children out there who could do with some shelter. Even when I have my own kids I’ll still adopt. I think it’s such a beautiful thing; it’s a way of giving back. People help us in different ways, and if you can bring that sunshine to someone else, why not?”
• “I was a late-bloomer. I remember in secondary school when all my mates where already wearing bras, I was still very flat-chested. It was terrible.”
• “I love my own company most times. People think I’m very loud and always out there. But on some days I can be very into myself.”


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