Tuesday 12 March 2013

Understanding the Nigerian post code

The ability to obtain a precise address of an object, subject and even human beings has, been a great concern to geographers and planners for many years. It has thus necessitated the postal service worldwide to accommodate the use of alphabets and numbers to describe places of concern. It is always essential for every Nigerian, both at home and in the Diaspora, to appreciate one of the major ingredients of modern day locational addressing, which is the ZIP code or post code, in the Nigerian context.The America’s Zonal Improvement Plan (ZIP code), known as postcode in many other advanced countries and the rest of the world, could be a combination of alphabets and numbers (alphanumeric). In Nigeria, the post code since 2000 or thereabout is strictly numeric and has six digits.
The transmission of mail packages through the post office is a flow process like every other means of communica-tion interaction between a sender and receiver. The introduction of post code in mail communication is to introduce a positive dimension to proper identifica-tion of exact location of a sender and re-eiver of any kind of mail packet.
The geography of Nigeria is though so vast in terms of area coverage, population and facilities, yet almost every loca-tion has its own post code address which is expected to accompany the addresses we are previously more familiar with. The questions are what is Nigeria’s post code and how can we get familiar with our post code addresses?Most times, a call might come from a friend, home or abroad, asking for Nigeria’s post code or that of a particular address. In such instances, it becomes difficult for one to be able to answer with all authenticity except in reference to a post code Directory, which might not be readily handy at the time of call.
Nigeria does not have a single post code, just like America or Britain or France. However, every location with an address in Nigeria has a post code num-ber either at the post office, if using a P.O Box or P.M.B, or a house number at a particular street address. No two post offices have the same post code number for mail box and mail bag renters in the post office, just as no two street addresses in different locations carry same Post-code number no matter if they bear same name.
The Nigerian post code is aligned to nine post code zones and each zone is made up of two or more states. In each of the nine zones, there are areas, districts and post offices’ configurations. Any address under this arrangement has a post code number which can be cross checked in the Post code Directory, which is avail-able for public enquiries at any post office. It is also obtainable for personal use at home or office.
Why the Post code Directory? The Post code Directory is sort of an encyclopedia that contains list and string of addresses of urban and most remote locations in Nigeria and serves as a reference point for anyone interested in obtaining information of a postcode address of one’s loca-tion and that of the addressee at the other location. Currently the postcode direc-tory is in its third edition.
The first three digits of the post code describe the origin of the mail while the last three the mode of delivery of such mail. It is the number which average user put at the end of the name of post office or that of street or after a town. Ideally, it is advisable to use postcode numbers of senders and addressees on both the letter and the envelope.
The use of post code has made the in-teraction possible both at the national and international levels, especially in area of postal standardisation established by the Universal Postal Union.  Among its many advantages are to facilitate mail processing, handling and delivery. It also prepares ground for postal mechanisation. Individuals, clerical or mail staffs of various institutions are best placed to apply postcode on mails they usually send.
The post worldwide is applying modern technology as a blend for its numerous products and services. Application of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is equally updating various arms of the post. In relation to the Nigerian Postcode, information on this is obtainable on NIPOST website (www.nipost.gov.ng).
  I am inclined to say that if “a man can’t make a place for himself in the sun, but keeps taking refuge under the family tree,” it becomes apparent and real that taking a glimpse into the Nigerian Post code may not totally be a wasted quest, after all.


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